Baptism is such a beautiful sacrament in the Church universal, but there's disagreement among churches and believers as to what baptism actually signifies and who may be baptized. That's okay. The Bible isn't super clear on the subject of baptism, so we all must embrace whatever we believe about baptism with open minds and humble hearts. We can all learn from one another.
It's important to note that Good News Church GA does not hold to one position on Baptism, other than we believe that the Bible clearly commands that followers of Jesus be baptized. The question is whether or not the children of believers should also be baptized, and that's where we allow room for disagreement.
Because people have asked my personal perspective, I've attached a paper that I wrote titled, "Baptism - Who's Sign Is It Anyway." I've also a paper on baptism written with my dad, Dr. Joe Warner.
If you're super interested in this topic, I would also recommend this friendly debate between John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul on the two primary views of baptism. To access, click here.
Lastly, I've included a document with the questions we ask people who are being baptized (and/or parents who are baptizing their children).
I hope these resources are helpful. If you'd like to be baptized or you still have questions about baptism, we'd be more than happy to talk with you. Click on Contact Us and we'll follow up with you.