The Seed of Promise

A brief outline of this message is as follows:

  1. SEED (Galatians 3:15-16) - Was the Promise made to Abraham’s “Seed” or to his seeds?
  2. SALVATION (Galatians 3:17-18) - Does salvation come through the Promise (which came through Abraham) or the Law (which came through Moses, 430 years after the Promise)?
  3. SAFEGUARD (Galatians 3:19-25) - Why was the Law added to the Promise? What is the purpose of the Law?
    • Restraint (protective guard rails)
    • Revelation (as a mirror)
    • Repentance (leading to Christ)


The law exposes. The gospel covers.

  • In the Flesh - the Law stirs our affections AGAINST
  • In the Spirit - the Spirit stirs our affections FOR God



“A mediator does not represent just one party. This mediator not only makes us aware of our lack, but also makes us aware of the supply of grace that has been covered and provided by our mediator, Jesus Christ. This mediator represents both the offended (God) and the offender (us), and is in nature, both God and man.” – Martin Luther