Drue introduced the series "Discovering Your Unique & God-Given Shape" on Sunday, May 1st. If you missed it and/or if you just want Drue's notes, you can download them here. The notes include links to a couple of brief video illustrations, lots of helpful info, and a key take away.
Drue ended the service with this Blessing (see below). Several people have asked about it, so we've included it here for easy access.
from Psalm 139, Psalm 8, Ephesians 2
You have been known by God since before you were ever born.
All your days were written in God’s book before one of them came to be.
He knit you together in your mother’s womb as a unique expression of His heart of love.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
God’s thoughts towards you are as
vast as the grains of sand on the seashore.
You have been crowned with glory and honor
and given dominion over all the earth.
You are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
for good works, which God has prepared
in advance for you to do, both for your good
and for His eternal glory.