House Church Sunday - Forgive Us Our Debts

As we continue walking through "The Lord's Prayer," the topic on this House Church Sunday is that of God's pardon (i.e., forgiveness). The Facilitator's Guide (attached PDF file) has the most comprehensive notes for this discussion. The video link was a suggested resource that gatherings may or may not have utilized.  

House Church is a great way to get to know each other better, meet and have conversations with people you haven't yet met, while enjoying a comfortable, casual morning of coffee, breakfast (bring something to share), and worship. Regular attenders and visitors can all choose a location.  We usually have 4-5 House Church locations where 15-20 people per home gather for breakfast, connection, and an informal time of conversation and worship.  Bringing food is optional but it's great when participants bring a breakfast item to share, whether it's homemade or store bought. It's all good!  Dress is comfortable / casual. Shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops are fine. :)